Welcome to Resort Secret Shop!

Bridge the Gap Between Your Vision and your Reality ~ Elevate Your Resort’s Success!

The power of secret shopping is to uncover your resorts delights and disappointments and provide insights that helps make decisions to continuously improve guest experience.

  • In the competitive world of hospitality, the pursuit of excellence is an ongoing journey.

  • With an unbiased perspective, secret shoppers step into the shoes of your guests, experiencing your resort in ways you might not have thought possible.

  • Secret shoppers are your secret weapon in the pursuit of excellence.

  • Their observations become a treasure trove of actionable insights.

Are Social Sites Reliable Sources for Reviews?

Anonymous guest review sites do NOT give you accurate answers to these questions. Forbes magazine posted in late 2021: “In total, TripAdvisor rejected or removed more than 2 million reviews from its site (8.6% of the total) for reasons including fraud or bias (39.7%), violating community standards (48.3%) and administrative reasons (12%) like a business closing or a reviewer removing a review themselves.” Lessen those negative comments on social media.

Validity of Anonymous Reviews

Do you REALLY know what guests think of your hotel/resort? Fake reviews, anonymous negative reviews posted by your competitors, exaggerated comments from unhappy guests over the tiniest inconvenience, and social media “influencers” wanting free everything to post to their friends how they score freebies… all can decrease the desirability of your property, and lead to loss of income. Are you depending on those online customer review sites for accurate feedback? With Secret Shopping you get the real picture on how guests experience your property.

We, at Caribbean Resort Slueths, will work with you to create your customized secret hotel shop based on your hotel’s needs.

Take a peek inside and see how we can give you a real, accurate, neutral, and professional report on how you hotel/resort is REALLY experienced by guests. This blueprint guides you in refining the guest journey, enhancing service quality, and exceeding expectations at every turn.